You’re invited! the Lower Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization (LMRWMO) Watershed Management Plan kickoff meeting.

The LMRWMO is a public organization with a City appointed Board of Managers, tasked with protecting and managing local water resources within portions of the Cities of Inver Grove Heights, Lilydale, Mendota Heights, St. Paul, South St. Paul, Sunfish Lake and West St. Paul. As NeDA works for better communities across Saint Paul, we are personally inviting our neighbors on the West Side to participate in this important kickoff meeting to provide input.


The LMRWMO Board of Managers is in the process of updating its Watershed Management Plan, which will guide LMRWMO activities for the next 10-years.

Consistent with Minnesota Rules 8410.0045, the LMRWMO Managers are hosting a virtual initial planning (public kickoff) meeting to receive, review, and discuss input on watershed issues that should be addressed in the Plan update process. The meeting will be held virtually (via Zoom) at:

June 9, 2021

6:00-7:00 pm

Click Here to Join 

Zoom Meeting ID: 985 5309 2996 (Passcode: 235014)

Call-in Number: +1 651 372 8299

At the kickoff meeting, the LMRWMO administrator and engineer will present information about the organization, the Plan update process, and the results of stakeholder engagement activities performed to date. The presentation will be followed by a discussion period during which attendees are encouraged to share their thoughts on water and natural resource management priorities.

A brief online survey is currently available to gather additional public input. Please consider attending the public kickoff meeting and sharing your thoughts with the LMRWMO Managers.

Thank you!